> How much do Stock market traders earn?

How much do Stock market traders earn?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
How much do traders earn (including bonuses) in London/New York/Dubai/Hong Kong.

What type of stock market trader are you addressing, those on the floor? those in house, those that work from homw? they'er all very different

Most traders are usually not paid a salary, they are paid by sharing in the profits that their department can produce for the firm, those that are self employeed still share in the profits. Most traders live from their "draws" they take periodically.

No one can answer this question. There is no reporting center that can capture this information .

Trades that are executed are noted with only the buyer/sellers clearing id, and no exchange and/or clearing corporation "tacks" the type of buyer/seller so no ones knows if they order executed is a trader's or an investor's order/

And most importantly no trader nor firm would provide how much bonuses individual traders earn nor is it anyone's business

I never had to report what my traders were earning nor would I do so.

Hey there,

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Some are rich & some are bankrupt - Depends on how good you are....

they don't earn anything they make money out of money and get rewarded for it

Very little

How much do traders earn (including bonuses) in London/New York/Dubai/Hong Kong.