> How reliable are stock analysts?

How reliable are stock analysts?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
What are you looking for? Stock tips? "Pump and Dump" is ALWAYS possible.

The stock pickers I watch (Cramer, and not so much anymore, Payne) are wrong as often as they are right - or seem to be.

You would be better served being like Warren Buffett. Buy high quality and hold forever.

Buffett is having problems with IBM and KO, right now. You have to be sure your "Blue Chip" stock doesn't become the next Sears, Kodak, Polaroid, Radio Shack (which never was), Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac - along with many, many others.

IBM, KO and MCD are under severe pressure right now.

The contrarian view is that a "Buy" signal is because they or someone wants out, while a "sell" is because someone is seeking to buy into a stock. In the end you have to make your decision based on fundamentals.

Be careful that you are not following people in at a higher price and then out at a lower price and losing money.

Be independent,be individual and act like the adult you told your parents you are.

It is very hard to tell. If it is a single analysts I would be skeptical. I would base trades on multiple analysts (3+) with the same view and it would also help if they have rated it as Outperform

These guys make educated guesses, but nevertheless, guesses. Unfortunately, nobody can predict the future, regardless of how smart they are. I often wonder if they act on their own advice. If so, why aren't they rich and living in the Caribbean instead of working for a living?

stock analysts may not have your best interest at heart, because you may need more diversification in your portfolio, or less risk in your portfolio

Not totally, no.

Nowadays we have analysts reccomending stock XYZ, and telling us when its a good time to buy or sell. And even stock news, is it reliable? Basically i want to know is the information were being provided through the stock market is it reliable? or should i avoid it because its biased.