> I want to become a successful trader, please help!?

I want to become a successful trader, please help!?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
100k lost! You need professional training & a mentor. Don't trade without further education. May I recommend GROK trade. Also. Go to college.

There are very few successful traders. It's just gambling.

Trading is not investing.

Try trading PENNY STOCKS but on a very minor scale so you can keep some of your money for emergencies.



okay so i have 6 months of experience in trading commodity. i lost over 100k and before i lose all the money i invested i want to stop and learn more about it is there any school or programs or something that would help me taking a big lost really had me depressed but i know i can do this. i had a practice account with 5,000,000.00 and brought it to 65,000,000.00 in 4 months and after that i thought i was ready and once i went to a real account at first i was winning 3k to 5k a day until a couple of months ago i took big loses and got freaked out. so i thought about giving up and investing into something else but i like trading i like hearing the news seeing what the economy is like investing and reading about big players.. so please im only 20 years old and ive never been to college and now im thinking about going to college but i want something that would help me so please im here asking what i can do?