Opening an investment account usually requires a minimum of $1,000 to $2,500.
Since most investors and professional fund managers cannot beat the market as a whole, stick with an index-based mutual fund, such as, FUSEX (Fidelity Spartan 500 Index Fund). FUSEX tracks performance of the S&P 500 Index and charges an expense ratio of just 0.10% per year.
Index funds are a form of mutual funds. Funds can be either index or managed funds. The key to making money in mutual funds over the long term is to not just get return, but hold down management fees. Index funds have much lower management fees (maybe 0.35% instead of 0.8% or even 1.0%) and that makes a huge difference in your return over time. Fees are invisible in that they are built into returns, so you actually have to look for them.
The best index fund firm is Vanguard. They invented it and their fees are very low.
You will need at least $1,000, more for some funds.
The main problem of almost every trader is the thoughts that trading is game or it's easy money. Before profitable trading you should learn a lot about this field. So, even don't try to trade with real money. You can learn how to make real money from this course ( ) Second, you should choose the right broker. There are some brokers that plays against their own clients. So, your main goal - find good broker. Third, yo can generate more profits with automated trading software. As you maybe know, there is a lot of different scammers on trading market so it will be hard to find really profitable trading system. That strategy brings me a lot of money every month, all thanks to the course that I posted above. Hope you will follow my recommendations, bye!
I've been trading the market for just a few months. My cousin actually told me about Nathan and his website and I signed up immediately after.
I'm not someone who has a lot of time to be researching for ideas because I work many hours.
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I've tracked most of the stock ideas that I've received in my e-mail from him and MANY have seen some nice gains after his announcements. I've made a nice profit (55% return on my investment on one, and 112% on the other!) on a couple of suggestions he's given and plan to start trading his ideas a lot more.
I definitely recommend subscribing to PennyStock Egghead. Very good research, quality stocks.
Check here for more info:
Some mutual fund companies will allow you to open account with a much lower minimum as long as you sign up for regular monthly contributions.
How much money do you need and how do I get started?