> Is Tesla extremely undervalued?

Is Tesla extremely undervalued?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Is TSLA undervalued until it hits a trillion dollar market cap? That's what I heard and it makes since.

I am a stockholder but it doesn't make "since" to me. That would mean a market cap of about 48 times what it is now, and it is already pricey if not incredibly overvalued. On a company that currently has a net operating loss of over 2%. There has been a lot of wild talk about the future of Tesla, little of it supported by fact. They have a relatively small niche (the high end electric car market) and production currently is limited by battery supplies. Tesla is building a plant to make their own batteries, and it will significantly increase the supply of them on the market, possibly bringing prices down for batteries and cars. However, that will be years down the road.

No. They make electric cars. There's a market for electric cars. The market is much smaller for electric cars that cost $80.000. They made 22,000 vehicles and gross revenue of $2 billion in the last twelve months. If they make 50,000 cars this year - the gross revenue rises from $2 billion to $4.5 billion. The market cap is $26 billion or about six times this years gross sales. The question I would have is - do they have the factory, workers, and raw materials to raise production beyond 50,000 vehicles a year and do they have enough batteries to do that? I've heard of the gigafactory for batteries but it has to be years down the road.

It's only undervalued if you think they have such a lead in the technology that other, much larger competitors like Toyota or Honda can't duplicate their electric cars performance and steal sales from them.

They have a valuable niche in electric luxury cars but I wonder if they can produce a cheaper model that will sell as well as A Prius. .

Absolutely. There is no question that TSLA ought to be significantly more valuable than ExxonMobil, Apple, MSFT, etc...

Is TSLA undervalued until it hits a trillion dollar market cap? That's what I heard and it makes since.