yes. go to yahool fiance and type in the stock ticker/smbol like greg mentioned. however if youalso need past data other than just the close price then once you entered the company's stock ticket and hit search, on the left of the screen you will see "historical prices" if you click that ou will be able to set a range of days and also the frequency of what you want daa on. finally you can export that info into an excel spreaksheet with an icon they have towards the botom of those results.
Yes - You can go to yahoo finance. In the search toolbox put the stock ticker symbol for whatever stock you want information on. It will show you the closing price of the stock.
You can also look at the down jones index and the S&P 500 index to see the overall movement of the market.
There are also charting tools.
If you want to look up selected stock here are some ticker symbols;
AAPL apple
XOM exxon Mobil
F Ford
DIA dow jones index ETF
SPY s&P 500 index.
School Project.