> Is share price the same as share value?

Is share price the same as share value?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
No, share price can be different than the share value. Share price is the current trading price.

How to calculate a share value.

Net assets = total tangible assets – total liabilities (Including pref. share capital) + Goodwill

Value of Share = Net Assets / No. of Shares

I hope this helps.

The financial media pays a great deal of attention to prices – what sector or index was up or down and by how much. All sorts of reasons are posed and most of them are valid, although there is still a certain amount of emotion in the market that reacts with no predictable pattern to breaking news.

Price news is of the utmost importance to traders and investors with a short-term window.

Value and Price

Most investors, however, are more interested in value and value and price are not the same thing. A company’s value for many investors is its ability to generate a satisfactory return over a long holding period.

A number of things including financial strength, market dominance, growth potential, and so on, determines that value.

The day-to-day price fluctuation of the stock is usually more about volatility than value. Most investors are not overly concerned with stock price fluctuations that are driven by market conditions (inflation reports, oil prices, and so on).

market value is the share cost on the stock exchange

book value is the total assets divided by the numbers of shares

example: GOOGLE STOCK is around $1200 per share, but its book value is $259.98

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Your mom is the same!

I am doing a project for my Accounting class. The question is regarding shares for CCE ( Coca Cola Enterprises.) I need to find out how much the a share would be worth at the close of 2011. Now, here's the confusion....I found the COST of the share at the closing of 2011; however, is the cost of the share the same as the value? I don't think so.

There is another entry in CCE's report that specifically says, "Maximum Number or Approximate Dollar Value of Shares (or Units) that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs," and that value is directly listed at $1,000 per share.

Would that be the value of the share?