> Is upstart.com a good idea?

Is upstart.com a good idea?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 

Upstart works by allowing you to give up a certain percentage of your future income for a fixed period of time in return for funding up front. It's very similar to the company Pave, but differs primarily in 2 ways.

1) In times you are not earning money, additional time will be added to the end of your income share agreement with Upstart, but not with Pave.

2) Pave has an established community that encourages support, transfer of ideas, and encouragement between the people seeking to launch their careers (like you) and the experienced, successful people who are already at the top of their respective fields.

Here's more information about other fundraising organizations: http://blog.bibliocrunch.com/crowdfundin...

Best of luck!

I've recently come across upstart.com and it sounds like a really good deal. I get that once you're out of college and start making profits, your investors get royalties of sorts from you. Can someone explain this to me more in depth? I'm an aspiring author, so would this be an ideal thing for me to try out? I've been working on a foundation for multiple books to come out of. Anyone I've spoken to about my ideas have been thoroughly intrigued. I haven't gotten any negative feedback as of yet. I hope to publish my first book by the time I graduate, which will be in 2016-17.

Thank you!