You buy stocks through a brokerage. But before you do that, go to and find and read their article "Investing 101". There is a lot to learn before you plunk down money--unless you've got a lot of dough that you don't need.
look for stock brokerage. Mutual funds are better for long term. If you don't know what to buy. I recommend the $SPY, $DIA
You can buy bonds from stock brokerages like TDameritrade, and etrade. Make sure they have FDIC to back it up. If it isn't insured. It's probably a ponzi scheme of some sort.
Delk is right in that you probably should do some reading before investing. I suggest you read the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
I am interested in Investing in stocks and/or bonds. I just don't know where to buy them. For Example, Coca Cola where do I buy stocks from them?