Your account can hold a mix of cash, stocks, and mutual funds.
To open the account, you have to put an opening deposit in it ($500 cash)
Once the cash is in the account, you can buy as much or as little stock as you want with it.
When you transfer money to a brokerage account, you are basically opening a saving account with the brokerage firm, your money will be earning interest, an extremely low percentage.
From that account the brokerage firm will pay for the stocks you decide to buy and will deposit money from any stocks you sold.
The money sits uselessly in your account. Either you can select to autoinvest or you can chose a particular item to buy through the broker for your invested money.
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I'm choosing which online stock broker to use, and most of them have a starting "deposit" of generally $500 or $1000. Does that mean right away you have to invest $500 in one/multiple companies, or does $500 just sit uselessly in your account?