Here is a listing of stocks that pay dividends and have share prices under $5.00 (penny stocks)
listed by dividend payment
sorted by share price
you have 86 companies listed here that have dividends (you should learn how to search such things yourself)
Just because a company issues a dividend does not make it a good buy.
I hope you are not one of those silly people who buy a dividend stock before its ex-dividend date and sell it immediately afterward to capture the dividend....that is a waste of time.
Dividends are used by some companies simply to attract investors...often the high dividend players (> 7% yield ) cannot support the payout...and if you are trapped into such a stock, your meager dividend gains are swallowed up in a huge share price loss.
Quality stocks with dividends are often great buys since they pay regular dividends that usually rise with time and you get the benefit of capital growth as well.
You don't find many (if any) quality stocks in the under $5 price range that pay dividends.
But that aside your question was what are the inexpensive dividend paying stocks? Well here are 86 of them....good luck finding one worth putting money in for a long time.
Well its a good time to buy now. but I would wait for bottom out confirmation. Looks like stocks are bottoming out. But I'll wait for the entire earning season to be over with. Same as for october.
Do you mean "inexpensive" in the sense if someone who knows nothing about stocks, or inexpensive from someone who knows what they are talking about?? People who are ignorant about stocks think a $10 stock is always cheaper than a $50 stock. Smart investors know which definition do you want your answer to use? The ignorant definition or the smart definition?
Prospect Capital (PSEC)
Capstead Mortgage(CMO)
small cap stocks