> What is FOREX ?

What is FOREX ?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Somebody tell me FOREX is biggest earning site. You can earn more and more money from FOREX. But I don't know about FOREX. Can you people please tell me, What is FOREX ?

Forex is the place where guys like you think you can make money by taking the other side of the trades from Ph.D.'s at hedge funds and money center banks. It's deeply pathetic. These are guys like me who you can't beat at anything except in your spare time you think you can do their job better than they can. Right.

FOREX is short for Foreign Exchange. People think they can make money by gambling on currency exchange rates.

FOREX is terrible for novice investors. 75% of all investors lose nearly their entire stake within the first few months because the game is stacked. The FOREX trading company sets exchange rates, not the open market. You're playing against the house. Due to the minimum lot sizes (usually several thousand dollars each), you MUST leverage your investment of several hundred by buying ON MARGIN and when the currency goes down by a tiny fraction, the company forces a margin call (sale of your investment) before you have a chance to recoup losses in order to meet the margin call. Stay away.

Don't take my word on it:


But if you still insist, I'm betting 3 to 1 that you lose your entire investment within 120 days.

It's foreign exchange between different currencies. Many people (especially the ones without built-up wealth) like to trade currencies irresponsibly using high-risk leverage and end up losing money. So, if you like losing money and don't have several million USD up-front to trade with, by all means continue.

Somebody tell me FOREX is biggest earning site. You can earn more and more money from FOREX. But I don't know about FOREX. Can you people please tell me, What is FOREX ?