If you have money to invest, and know nothing about investing, you should consult an "independant investment advisor" who will suggest to you what to invest in, considering your aims and needs. He will charge you a fee for doing so, the amount depending on the amount invested.
Basically the income has to be balanced against the risk involved - high income from a given amount faces the biggest risk of losing your investment.
Basically I invest in managed mutual funds and have been
doing so for over 24 years. I let the fund manager do all the
picking of the best stocks and bonds all for a low fee.
See Vanguard, Fidelity or TR Price for some good funds.
Basically, every book, every get rich scheme, every advice section/article all say you get rich by investing your money, but they never say what to invest in, is there a secret meaning to investing? Whats going on? Please explain. Thank You!