> Why is (AAPL) falling?

Why is (AAPL) falling?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
The basic problem with your question is that you assume negative press, product info or earning reports make the stock price rise or fall. This is absolutely incorrect. Stock prices rise and fall due to supply and demand of the stock, which in part is based on people's emotions - how they react to news, and what they anticipate for the future.

A good earnings report can be interpreted positively or negatively, depending on what the expectations were, and not on the actual report itself.

So what's the answer? Ignore the news, and focus on the price charts, which is where you'll see the details of supply and demand, the true economics.

So you think it should always go up?

Well, there was a little sell off across the board for most stocks today. It was because of fear of Russia Ukraine tension and the sanctions. It will all blow over when yellen has a pu$$y fart or something of that nature. Be warned though, most stocks will **** house when rates start to move.

The first thing to know about stock prices is they generally go up 2 steps and take one back, unless they fall apart and disappear - Enron, Washington Mutual, and soon - Kodak, Radio Shack, and Sears.

Some times a stock will go up on negative news. More often, a stock goes up on positive news and down on negative news. Stock investors are people subject to their emotions. They feel bad, they want their money back and they sell. Too many sellers, not enough buyers, the stock price drops. Usually, no big deal.

Follow the stock market with no financial involvement for a few weeks and you will see what I am talking about.

Lack of interest. People are starting to realize that Apple doesn't have a whole lot to offer, and it's not worth past $100. They don't have any really groundbreaking projects coming up. Some minor ones, but nothing major. It's a buy, but a really long-term one.

Update: In response to your message, which I can't access, no, I don't think the stock will drop below $90. There is a strong downtrend, but I estimate it'll finish off at at at most $91-91.50. At that point, it'll stall a bit, until earnings (22nd). However, I don't think you should bet on the earnings. If you have a gain, take it and enter back in after earnings are posted. The recent drop in price is a reflection of the lack of support for their earnings.

Within 1-2 days, AAPL fell from $96 to $94.

Could somebody tell me why Apple fell? There has been no negative press about it lately (most, if not all of the major stock analyst groups like CitiGroup re-ranked it as a "Buy"), and no negative information about their upcoming products, or their upcoming earnings reports.