> Why is seven (7) everybody's favorite number?

Why is seven (7) everybody's favorite number?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
I know it isn't EVERYBODY'S favorite (i for one like the number 8) but I feel a vast majority of people, their favorite number is 7... Why is there a reason as to why?

On a pair of dice, the number 7 comes out the most

in various combinations.

If you take a poll, some number has to come out on top. It just happens to be 7.

7 is the number for perfection

it stands for wholeness or completeness in scriptural language , e.g the 7 Churches in revelation is the complete Church

because of the bible

think of the game craps ------

I know it isn't EVERYBODY'S favorite (i for one like the number 8) but I feel a vast majority of people, their favorite number is 7... Why is there a reason as to why?