Here in the UK we're being pestered by our treasury. "We're on the brink of recovery!" [honest?]
Taking a good look at the markets and the overall behaviour of the economy, it might be possible to say that some very minor elements of the big-picture are doing ok - but most seem to be kinda limping along or more or less dormant. I'm sure this flood of good-tidings (or lies as we call them) is happening elsewhere too.
In hard-times the tradition was that people would turn to physical gold and silver, and those pressures would drive the price up. Going to war would tend to drive prices up. Massive availability of money and political instability would both tend to drive prices up. That's not happening. Prices in fact are being driven down. Some would say this is due to manipulation of the PM markets - and seriously high levels of tinkering with the PM-related ETFs.
I see this continuing for a number of years, until we really do start climbing out of this economic depression. (also factor in the fact that BitCoin is out there and it is seemingly outwith the control of any central bank - that is a new factor in the game)
I'd advise you, assuming you have physical precious metals, to buy more while the price is low. YOU have to judge, and justify to yourself, when you have enough. It is a speculation, but I can see gold and silver dropping to $800/$10 respectively. Then, as technically inclined industries improve their take-up of PMs, I see the price climbing once more to the $2000/$45 heights as it did in 2011. As the prices rise, we'll see more closed mines reopen, balancing out the massive expected rise.
(Certainly, as silver prices rise, we'll see more recycling of the metal)
People talk about silver running out. This is only partially true, since the market will make the prices soar and there will always be a supply. The question is, when are we going to see the increase. I believe it will happen in 3 to 10 years. We will see $50 or more again. Also gold will rise, but not as much.
Only fairly low IQ people think so. I'm short $3.5M worth of gold so it better not skyrocket....
Nope.. headed downward
I've invested quite a bit in gold and silver, and wondering what your projections are for their prices per oz in the next few years.