> How to invest/work 7000?

How to invest/work 7000?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
There really isn't anywhere you can put the 7k without substantial risk that will give you a return in that short of time. The safest bet would be a CD but rates are not very high, so the return will be very small and the money is locked up for the duration of the CD term. I would suggest you take 2500 and put it into a Roth IRA, you will have already paid taxes on it, and it will grow and compound over the years until you reach retirement age, then all of the money you withdraw will be tax free, I know it may seem like a long time away but the account could grow for a long time. Take the rest and split it up into multiple CD's 1500 into a 6 month, 1500 into a 12 month and so on, then every six months you could take it and reinvest or use it

During the summer I work for 4 months as an intern engineer and I make 10k in those 4 months. I feel like while 10k is a lot for a student in 4 months, I tend to use it up pretty quickly (partial tuition/gas/life)

I want to save up 7k out of10k this summer and instead of spending it, I would like to find a way to invest it into something that will give me a small but steady flow of return over the course of the year (when im not an intern). does anyone have any ideas. Im not talking about stocks. Im talking about an actual small business investment. Im not sure what 7k does but Im sure I could get something started. any help would be great.