> Stock options? help?

Stock options? help?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
I'm still relatively new to the options part for online stock trading... I bought a penny stock (don't worry I have a very diverse profile, this was only a small portion of my portfolio) and it went down a lot, like it was at 0.29 and now it's at like 0.029. I don't plan on selling it since it's barely worth any, but is there a selling option where I can have it sell if it hits 0.30 but if the price keeps going up linearly let's say to 0.31 and then 0.32 but stops at 0.32 and starts dropping again, is there a way that I can sell it at 0.32? Or is there no way to have it automatically do this and I'd have to set a specific number only. I've kind of read on trailing stops but kind of unclear about this still. If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it.