Instead of gambling, choose a company that has steady earnings each year instead of losses. Buy these sturdy stocks and hold on to them. When you hold these stocks over a period of time, the prices will go up for a real reason; the companies are earning money every year and becoming more valuable.
If your company has very little long term debt, it will likely not get into financial trouble.
Don't pay more for the shares of stock than they are worth. If you pay 25 times earnings for a stock, you are only getting a 4% return. If earnings are steady, you will need 25 years to earn your money back on this stock. That's horrible.
If you save a portion of your income each payday and invest in solid stocks, over the course of several years you can grow very wealthy indeed. It is like hiring someone to get a job and earn money for you, and then using that money to hire more workers. Your money grows exponentially.
Ignore the short term swings in the stock prices.
. .
Look up Investors Business Daily at Read it for 1 year before investing. It will be the best investment you ever made except graduating from college or becoming an Army officer.
Maybe you could join Vanguard. You could start and Independent Retirement Account. You can also invest in stocks, index funds, mutual funds, or etfs.
It's pretty tricky to suggest specific stocks though.
No and the reason is you have to due your due dillegence and research. Anything in a forum would hold us liable or someone to put a blame there are lots of good starts one link is the Globe and mail morningstar they give ratings on stocks and they change day to day
you may not do so till age 18 and then, do none of them
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can guide further
Hi im a high schooler and my economic teachers got me wanting to invest in stock but I just don't know where to begin there Is do many different ones! Can you please give me some recommendation on what's hot right now.. what have you invested in and what are some good tips
Thank You :)