> Will this work? bitcoin related?

Will this work? bitcoin related?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Technically, you can do this with anything; currency, commodities, stocks, etc.

The impossible part is knowing when these things will go up or down.

Since you are planning to profit from them going up, you don't even have a way to influence the situation (ie. hack the system after shorting the currency). You can actually trade bitcoins like commodities now in Finland.

Terrible investment strategy. You could win. You could lose. Lose BIG.

BitCoins remind me of those Pyramid Parties from the 1970s where half the players lost everything!

If you could always buy low and sell high, you are correct, you will always win.

Unfortunately life ain't like that!

Why stop at bitcoins? Buy gold, shares, fine wines, oil paintings, Ferraris. Buy low and sell high, of course!

Just imagine most of the financial markets, they are huge. They are made up of millions of buyers and millions of sellers, both who think they have got it right!

You will lose the money. You are dealing with the best financial minds in the world. Their elaborate computers system respond to buy of sell and execute it in a mili second. And you're going to sit home on your computer looking at info that's 20 seconds old. Your competing against the best in the world. Good luck though.

BITCOIN. lol, Buy real estate or gold if you want to be richbitch

My friends and I want to invest in bitcoin.

We want to invest in bitcoins when they go down then sell them when they are up then buy again when they go down and just repeat that.

Were pretty confident it'll work but I just wanted to ask to be sure.

Were only going to invest a small amount so we wont really care if we loose the money.