You will find it very difficult if not impossible to find the cost to build an average speaker. Part of manufacturing a speaker for a specific purpose calls for some complex calculations and special parts All of which have been done in the finished product. Ready made speakers are available for just about any type of application and environment. I ran my own electronics business for 20 years and we installed PA systems and speaker systems for all sorts of applications. In order to know the cost of any speaker system many factors must be considered. What is the application? The size and configuration of the environment in which it is to be used. These and other factors must be known before any estimate of cost can be calculated.
I am doing an assignment for my Entrepreneurship class and we're writing a business plan for speakers. I was assigned to do sourcing, how much the parts cost and all that. But everything I get on Google is speakers for sale, not the cost to build an average speaker. Can someone help me out?