> I just won a million dollars?

I just won a million dollars?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
patent it first, should cost about 100-200$. go to inventhelp.com follow their directions

Firstly, you should get your product patented so that nobody copies your idea --> Do some market research to find out if your product has the potential to sell --> If it has a lot of potential then make a business plan to sell your product

Chris says a patent costs only $100 or $200. lol, good luck with that.

There is always the risk of someone stealing your idea when you approach them. If you can patent it then you should. Then worry about the production.

Get someone like Bob to help you.

Keep it to yourself, along with your million dollars.

You are truly a fool.

Ok so now that i got your attention. I think i just came up with a really ultimate cosmetic invention that really hasnt been invented yet. How can i turn this thought into an invention. How can i go about it. Who do i tell? Should i try to invent it myself before bringing the idea to someone. Help