> Is this stock about to go up?

Is this stock about to go up?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Christ, that stock isn't going up. It was close to $14 a share just three months ago and is now 25 cents and you think it's going to bounce? The frigging company's gross profit margin is -3,400% and the net profit is -4,476%!! That means for every $1 they make in sales, they lose $44!! You got lucky picking a crappy stock. Those things only happen once.


Technicals are lousy. I would expect it to drop through the next support level and drop pretty hard in the next few days.

I would also expect them to be bankrupt within the next year.

I do like FREE right now though. Same industry but better company.

Im in a school wide virtual stock game and this stock NEWL I had made a lot of money off of because i short sold it and was going down a lot, and fast. However, these past few days NEWL has sort been leveling off and I was thinking that the stock is gonna go up a lot very soon. What is your views on it?

If you know of any other similar stock which is sorta like NEWL in terms of going down?
