> How do I invest in a company?

How do I invest in a company?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
local businesses rarely sell stock to the public. The stocks are usually all held by a few stakeholders (and maybe a venture capitalist or an angel investor). [Very doubtful you would make any money. All profits would be plowed back into the company, at least for several years. The stockholders make their money by working for the company, and giving themselves pay raises.]

But have your friend ask. He seems to have an "in" with the company. >> But definitely be more businesslike with your language !!

Honestly, you do not belong in the stockmarket. Too much risk for too little (potential !) gain.

You have to buy the company's stocks through a stock broker or stock broker online which could be cheaper.

open a equity trading account,such as ameritade,scottrade, fund it(with cash), then buy stock in any publicly traded company.

I am 18, I'm a guy and I'm still dependent on my mother

Its just me and my mom and my sister

I never had a job, although I have applied, I want to make some money

a friend of mine did a commercial for this local business in my hometown, and at that moment I thought

"Hmmmm, this company is growing, perhaps I should invest now since stock prices are low"

Bare in mind, me and my friend are still in high school. he did this cause he has good skills with editing and what not.

But me? No...but I discovered that perhaps I can invest on this business and buy a share of common stock!

How do I do this?

Can I just go up to the guy and be like "Yo, so how much are you selling stocks for, bro?"

or do I need a stock broker and a license and all these other things.

Bare in mind also that I never invested in my life and know very little of it