> Looking to invest in silver. is now the time?

Looking to invest in silver. is now the time?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Its really rocky though, one minute you lose money, one your get a 'big win.'

Unless you believe the "gold bug" economic collapse nonsense, it is much cheaper to buy SLV on the stock exchange than physical metal. Markups on small quantities make it very difficult to profit.

My last silver trade I bought below 10, sold at 37.50. If it went down to 11 or 12, I might get interested again.

Don't invest in the precious metal market right now or ever.

It is not going to make you money. Precious metals do not put food on the table, do not have much use other than being used up in electronics, etc. To be very frank... it is the market used to take a fool's money.

There was a time when an ounce of gold was worth $200 and that is not long ago. Did Gold vanish from the face of the earth? No, it never does because it does not corrode. PERIOD. We still have the same amount of gold as we had before.... we actually have more, because more of it has been mined since the 80's and early 90's. What makes it go up in price is speculation and a false need for something that does nothing.

You be the fool that gets dragged into a false promise.

Investing in gold and silver is for sophisticated investors. When the economy was in the tank 2-4 years ago metals such as silver and especially gold were skyrocketing. Now that the economy is on the upswing those prices are down over 33%. Unless you think the economy is going to tank again I would avoid investing in metals and in any case invest no more than 5% of your investable assets in precious metals of any description.

I was wondering if someone experienced with silver trade and/or the economy would be able to help me. I am looking to buy silver bullion bars (1oz, 10oz, 25oz... whatever really) .999 purity. Before I invest anymore than i already did (25oz) I want to know if I should wait for prices to go lower. Also, do prices increase or decrease when the economy does bad?? If you can answer these 2 questions convincingly I will pick you for best answer!