You're making the presumption that if you "know" something, then you can make money. If it were that easy, everyone would be rich. You cannot possibly "know" anything at all about future price, regardless of what news you may "know."
Unless the news is big enough for price to continue moving, you're stuck with a loser. Also, sometimes the market acts contrary to popular opinion. Or, the markets are notorious for false breakouts.
The best real-time market newswire is the Bloomberg Terminal, for about $1,500/mo. The best free news service real time is CNBC on TV.
If you really want "to become a day trader," then adhere to good trading strategy, incorporated and tested in your trade plan. If you don't have a plan, you got nothin'. Read David Nassar's, Rules of the Trade.
From one mentor:
Most traders we speak with have learning curves that have cost them between $15,000 and $70,000 and up to two years in time.
Five Minute Investing: How To Evaluate A Trading Strategy
The Cardinal Sin Of Beginning Investing -- And How To Avoid It
I am trying to become a day trader in the stock market. I am currently using Scottrade and they have newswires, but they always seem to have a five minute delay, thus making me miss the big jumps. Does anyone know of a real-time stock upgrade/downgrade website or download?
Thanks a ton.