> Recommended stock software programs?

Recommended stock software programs?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
A trading program simply executes the trades you enter and if it gives you any signals, then that is based on the parameters you enter into the program. No program is and cannot be designed to TEACH you how to trade or guarantee profits, other than within the predetermined parameters set by you.

I would suggest you study Investment 101 first, there are many free lessons on the Internet and then buy a copy of 'Investing for Dummies,' a book that is far more advanced than its name implies and can be bought on Half.com for as little as 75 cents.


Investing is a process, not a Secret or Answer or book or webinar or indicator or computer program. Otherwise, we could all be rich, or every computer geek could be rich. It just doesn't work that way.

Are you thinking of a trading robot? Why would anyone sell the golden goose? Doesn't exist any more than a psychic that can predict future price, or the same psychic would win every lottery.

Thank you for playing. Be sure to come back here and tell us when you find the Holy Grail of trading programs.

I'm earning good money with this binary option signal sofrware ( http://forexsignal.kyma.info ) What I'm going to show you now might irritate old-fashioned traders who can't accept that a piece of software can outperform what they have learned through many years of trial and error

Looking for one of the top stock investment programs i can buy, I was trying to find a program that will tell you when it is a good time to buy or sell and also teach you some of the terms. Anybody know of any good programs?