> Value of Silver Eagles and rounds?

Value of Silver Eagles and rounds?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
The bullion value, in theory, should not be affected by scratches. But in the real world it could be. A prospective buyer, when given the choice, will always choose the better condition over the lesser when the price for both is the same. If the price is advantageous enough, the buyer might take everything available. If the buyer believes the better condition can be sold for a higher markup, that buyer will probably demand a discount on the lesser condition.

The amount of silver that would be worn off because of the coins rubbing together would be insignificant unless they did this for a significant length of time.

Hi, suppose i just store my silver in just a regular container in contact with each other out of carelessness and they eventually scratch themselves throughout time. I do believe that silver is around $25 a troy ounce. As a collector's item, the value of silver will obviously go down w/ wear and tear. But will the value of the actual silver as it is be really adversely affected?