> What can i do with a lot of money?

What can i do with a lot of money?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
At your age, you'll probably want to keep it hand. to my knowledge, Ally Bank offers about the best rates for online savings. If you think you can safely commit it for a longer term, think about opening an account at Vanguard. The site is www.vanguard.com There you will find mutual funds and otrher options.

If you are going to spend it then share it with someone around to make a joy out of it

If you planing on saving it then it will make a change so save some of it and just take some of it like 100 bucks and spend on something you want so bad.

Put 2/3 of it away, and spend 1/3 on whatever. It won't make you rich, but will put you 2/3 away of the rest of the crowd.

put it in the stock market in an s&p index trsackimg etf. eg spy. and keep a regular eye on it.... its important to learm about the syockmarket as it really affects u im lots of ways

Well okay its not that much money. Ill have roughly 2000$ at the end of the week. I don't want to spend it on stupid sh*t. I'm a college student so I'm planning.on saving. Is there an effective way to invest 2000?