> What is the NYSE Gasoline price?

What is the NYSE Gasoline price?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
You have to differentiate between "gas" prices, which is "natural gas," and "gasoline" prices.

Gasoline futures trade on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, ticker RBOB. This is also the ticker that displays on your TV on CNBC.

RBOB Gasoline Physical Futures Quotes Globex


Today, the RBOB Apr futures contract for gasoline closed at 2.94.

You can also view the gasoline futures price quote and nat gas futures quoted everywhere commodities are quoted, like Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, etc.


There are also various places to find charts of gasoline futures price:


NYSE = New York Stock Exchange

NASDAQ = Another Stock Exchange

Neither sell or have a gas price.

Price of oil per barrel is a bit over $101

I tried to google NYSE Gas prices, but no luck. Is there a difference between NYSE and NASDAQ prices?? Is there any link that I can visit to find out what the NYSE Gas prices are? Thank you!