> What is the best method for me to invest?

What is the best method for me to invest?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Doesn't work that way.

And anybody who types anything stupid that suggests that you will automatically earn 8% in a year is just ignorant about the subject.

If you are saving for a purchase, then you should just save for a purchase.

Investors (as opposed to gamblers) receive an average of about 8% return per year on their investments. So you should be able to spend $8 per year on your family's vacation.

Ask your grandma

I intend to invest $100 into a some sort of vehicle for one year and then take all the that money after a year and use it for a family vacation every year. So in other words I would repeat this every year.

My question to you folks is what would be the best investment path to take to accomplish this?
