> What is the safest way to invest 10 Million dollars?

What is the safest way to invest 10 Million dollars?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
You should diversify and put it in banks, oil, commodities, maybe tech stocks but make sure you do your research on your stocks daily

Tech stocks can be very up and down so as long as you do your research on your stocks don't worry too much about when they go down a little

Banks are in the business for making money so those are usually good stocks to be in.

Don't sell the stocks just because they go down or you will lose money. (buy low sell high)

For you I would suggest having a few expensive stocks and a few cheaper stocks because you can afford it.

Guns, pots and pans, water filtration systems, armored cars and compounds, bunkers, MRE's, Freezers, Electrical generators and solar plates, Windmills, your own oil refinery and oil well to fuel up your armored vehicles and keep your electrical generators running when solar power plates are low on juice. Livestock and horses. Lots of ammunition.

The Zombie Apocalypse is coming. Your 10 million will be worth nothing more than kindling to start a fire with once it hits. Zombies cannot be bought with anything except for human brains. No one is willing to sacrafice their brain so that you can keep yours; not for ten million not for a billion or a zillion for that matter.

The zombie apocalypse can also be a simile for what is about to take place within our financial institutions. Investments in anything are all overvalued and artificicially inflated by institutional investors who live off of money that the government prints so that it can filtrate the cash into the system slowly and discreatly so that no one administration needs to have their name associated with that melt down. Look for an investment that you know or believe is not inflated because of institutional investors. If you like stock I would say gun companies. Pension funds and other institutional investors tend to shy away from them. So they are more representive of what corporations stock like some of these tech companies are actually worth. If there is a meltdown people will be spending all they got on guns because it will be every man for himself at that point and the price of guns and ammo will skyrocket causing the smith and wesson or Ruger, or whatever other option there is and their stock to skyrocket. So maybe a gun stock

You have $10 million and you're on Yahoo answers for financial advice?..

Simple Invest it in Nigeria's Mining sector. Four companies in the Uk and Australia has been granted license to mine iron ore and gold early this year. Over one million ounce of gold was discobered by one of the companies. With $10 Million, you will surely smile with high ROI. Get more updates on http://naijainvest.blogspot.com/2014/04/...

You can invest in shares for long term. The returns that you are looking for is possible. In the long term, shares out perform most investments. I can verify this with the many years of experience and competence that I have gained while investing in shares. Also, I can share with you for free tips on how you can make passive income annually out of stocks investment if you are interested.


If you have 10 million dollars, chances are you've already invested and know what you're doing. lol

diversify into a basket of stocks, real estate and stay away from cd's

The most advisable way to invest in securities, if you're looking to make returns in excess of 500,000 per annum, is to invest at an early age in index funds, take into account taxes and your age and lifestyle. Index funds have shown over time and time again that in the long-run, they have provided returns in excess of returns provided by bonds, or specific stock-picking. Index funds are essentially the most easiest way to diversify your portfolio, which I'm sure you heard is one of the most important factors to consider in investing. Taxes are something that you should definitely consider. Although there are many different strategies in investing, one of the more popular methods is not to just look at the highest returns, but the highest returns after paying taxes (as taxes can take a significant chunk of your earnings from investing). This method, of course, will require talking to a financial consultant. They can provide advice as to how to pay the least amount of taxes through governmental programs and such. For instance, purchasing a house with returns made from investing can significantly lower the amount of the taxes you pay on the returns. Also, if you're in your 20s, it is highly advised to put more weight on high-risk securities (stocks) and lower weight on low-risk securities (bonds). As you get older, you should shift more weight onto safer, lower-risk securities that provide you with a stable source of income (from bond payments). It should be clarified that these investments are meant to be in for the long haul. You should not tie up all of your extra money in investments unless you have a financial safety net in place, as anything can go wrong (illness, injury, etc.).

Hope this helps and have fun (but be prudent) in spending your 10 million dollars~~

You don't have 10 million dollars.

I want to really invest my money very well I rather not spend a dime unless I have passive streams of income annually.

So my question is were the hell do I put 10 mill in Municipal bond efts T. Bills long term stocks .?

I want to earn at least a 500,000 annually for life

any ideas would gladly appreciate it