> What should I do with $5,000?

What should I do with $5,000?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
buy some low cost high growth area stocks like apple or invensense

Buy a pet

redecorate your room/house

buy some video games uve always wanted

start a small shop

Get a huge flat screen tv

spoil your children

donate some to charity

start a charity

get some bling stuff

Unfortunately, $5,000 is not really enough to start a business that would amount to anything. Also, a small business is very risky, particularly if you don't have a passion for it. The fact you are asking for an idea means you have no passion for a particular business. I would say there is a 90% chance you will end up at zero. If it were me, I would drop it into Vanguard, and put half (whatever the minimum is, it may be $3K) into their 500 index fund, and the rest in their money market fund, then toward the end of the year move the rest into the 500 fund. Then let it ride (unless there is a 2008 style economic meltdown) for 5-10 years. You will be surprised what you will end up with.

since you are asking obviously you want to be prudent about this money

so until you see a way clear what to do with it, socking it away where it will do the most good for you until you do know is the way to go

frankly I am high on municipal bonds because they are tax free(and buy those of your state for state exemption)

they certainly pay more than a savings account, and are not subject to the variations of the stock market

How old are you? How much other money do you have? Are you gainfully employed right now? what skills do you have? What are your passions and hobbies? Do you have a good, safe, reliable car?

Until I know those things, the best I can advice is just put it in the bank.

Apple just did a split. Cheap now. Invest in that.

Ask your self what you need and want the most any why. Set some of the money aside as well for future emergencies.

I'm looking for ideas on an active investment - using the money to buy something/start a business, preferably something that requires work to see return on investment.

I don't want to have someone else do it for me, i.e. "put it in the back."
