> What should be the correct stock benchmark?

What should be the correct stock benchmark?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Russell 2000 is all small cap with a mix of all sectors. Even Russell 2000 Growth is too diversified to seem appropriate.

Your list looks more like NASDAQ 100 to me. If your portfolio is cap-weighted, then something like QQQ could work. If equal-weighted, consider QQQE instead.

If you want a quick and dirty way to test several benchmarks for best fit, look for the lowest monthly tracking error measured over a 5 year period.

If you're asking about the "benchmark" to beat, then that would be the S&P 500 index. That's what the industry uses.

The stocks you name are in the technology sector; XLK.



Segment wise comparison may be the correct bench mark.

Putting a portfolio together for Finance class, we wanted to focus on companies that show promising growth in the future. What would be the correct benchmark? Russel 2000?

Companies are Yelp, Trulia, Apple, MIcrosemi Corp, Skyworks Solutions, Ceragon Networks, KEYW Holding Corp, ViaSat, and Fusion-io.

Mostly small companies except for Apple. What do you recommend?