> Will this business idea work?

Will this business idea work?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
... the others, plus you need a way to keep the ice cream cold. You also do not know if customers will like your special flavors (but that is one of the "gambling" aspects of starting a unique business). Also depends on how much foot traffic goes by your stand so that you have a decent chance of selling enough ice cream.

It would be a good math exercise to make a budget and get an idea of Revenue versus expenses. You may have a possible real business; idk.

Your age is probably going to be an obstacle, lots of contracts and licenses require one to be 18, local health and business regulations would require some sort of vendor license, if such a business is allowed at all in your area. I'm accustomed to see new immigrants pushing a small refrigerated vendor carts barely making an existence.

There are not nearly as many ice cream trucks playing music to attract kids as there was a generation ago. You idea probably would have worked better back then.

Well it is an interesting idea, but it will be very hard for you to make ice cream in a public stand, because of the volume of ice cream you might need, the electricity you will need, the amount of water you will need to clean your equipment. My dairy that I ran had 48 stores, and we had two MOBILE ice cream trucks where we could make shakes, sundae'

s and the like.

You will need licenses and inspections from the health authorities. Then you need a legal place to set up your business. You could do it illegally on a small scale, but not out in the street.

I used to go to Burlington VT and talk to Ben and Jerry when they started making ice cream in a converted Texaco station and selling it to college kids. Jerry even made my wedding cake for me. Anyway, it worked okay for those guys.

To sell food for humans to eat you need a license from your health depertment.

You are going to need to wait to get licenses, start-up funds and more, but overall it a good idea

I am 14 and i need to hear constructive criticism.I wanna start a small business were i have a stand in public selling ice cream with my ice cream maker and having different unique types of ice cream and flavors and toppings.I watched YouTube videos on hoe to make them and i want to do so and sell in public and have a menu and have them be a little cheaper than most businesses do to make profit.If i sell to 100 people how much money would i lose making that much ice cream?i wanna see if i should try this.