> You have money to invest in stocks. How might high-frequency traders affect your purchase?

You have money to invest in stocks. How might high-frequency traders affect your purchase?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Can someone please help me in economic :'( :'( I would appreciate your help or any links for sources.

High Frequency Trading while have no effect on an investor, negligible effect on a trader and sometimes an effect on an active trader (day trading). Gonna track actively? Consider sticking to high volume issues which will likely dampen the effect HFT, giving you better fills. Low volume stocks-beware! But if you are a buy hold investor, no need to worry.

they won't affect you if you stick to good large company stocks

In this climate?? Better off going to the Casino...

Can someone please help me in economic :'( :'( I would appreciate your help or any links for sources.