> 2 For 1 Stock Split?

2 For 1 Stock Split?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
here is a new class of shares, they are not the same voting class as the original ones. that's all.

there is a class A®ular class.

Probably an incomplete report, typo error, or the stock hasn't actually split yet. A 2-for-1 split should have doubled the number of outstanding shares.

The old and new stocks are traded under different names. So you will not see them together.




Ok Google's current share price is $544.94 since the stock split. Why hasn't the number of outstanding shares of 337.25M doubled to 674.5M.

This is according to Google Finance https://www.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ:GOOG

Im sure this is only a mistake I guess