> Black Friday in the stock market?

Black Friday in the stock market?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Originally, September 24, 1869

Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the market fell precipitously, signaling the start of the Great Depression.

Largest one-day drop in stock market history occurred on Black Monday, October 19, 1987

Now in the retail Market it a day when there annual sales reach the profit point usually just before Christmas.

The Thanksgiving day sales are the start of Christmas Sales

The stock Market reacts on Friday.

The Market can change minute to minute and day to day.

The Brokers make money everytime someone TRADES shares.

When there is a "Selloff" guess what somebody is buying.

When there is a buying frenzy someone else is SELLING..

A stock market did can last a day.Or it can last YEARS.

Follow the market month to month to get trends. The day to day up and down does not mean that much to other than speculators who gamble on prices going up and down and often make money no matter which way it moves having money in many different things and areas of the market.

I'm new to investing. Should I be worried about black friday? How long does it last in the market?

YUp it happened