> Forex that is not a scam or fruad .?

Forex that is not a scam or fruad .?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
an any one help me with finding a goodforex trading site which is not a scam .........and which sites that have been tested and been used by ur frnds or u........

Forex is not a scam or fraud, if only you can have a good broker. The best Forex trading broker that is well reliable is Alpari: www.alpari.co.uk

Forex trading is for EXPERIENCED investors who understand the risks they are taking. Commodities can go up as well as down and you can lose your entire investment even if broker is legit.

http://www.forex.com/uk/index.html IS BEST

can any one help me with finding a goodforex trading site which is not a scam .........and which sites that have been tested and been used by ur frnds or u........