> How does a 14 year old make $2,000?

How does a 14 year old make $2,000?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
You can get a summer job mowing lawns or doing yard work. Look for other jobs for students. You might be able to tutor someone on the Tuba or Baritone. There may be a job at the pool or rec area near you.

Put a notice up in local stores to advertise what you feel comfortable working at or with. You can start earning now if you can find something to do. I'd hire you to shovel my driveway so if you live where there is snow ask your neighbors if they need help with anything. Explain you are looking for a paying job to by a musical instrument.

Ask at school if they have any scholarships for instruments.

If you have a Farmer's Market in your town, ask your Mom to help you come up with an idea of what to sell at the market. Many venders sell vegetables but also homemade items like, cookies, bread, soaps, and crafts.

Our library hires 2 teens every year to work for the summer. You might want to ask if there is a program at your library.

Some teachers like to work during the summer and paint or side houses. You could ask around to see if there are any that would hire you.

Babysitting for a couple of boys for the summer might be something you could do, also. Moms that work might like a male to babysit and take the boys to the play ground or play soccer with the boys. You might look into the ASSO soccer programs to see if they hire teens to help with coaching or refereeing.

Ask and tell as many people you can to get the word out that you are willing to work.

extremely tough point browse onto google and yahoo that can help

So, here's the deal. I really want to be in Marching Band come Freshman year (months away), I've been in Concert Band for two years now in Middle School. I played Baritone first year and I'm on Tuba now.

Thing is, my Middle School lets you borrow the instruments free. The High School I'm going to costs around 80$ a month to rent a Baritone and around twice that for a Tuba, and if I want to rent-to-own that's roughly 3 years to pay off their $3,500 Baritones and, twice that for a Tuba. It's ridiculous.

I don't want to just go on Amazon or something and get a crappy no-name brand instrument and end up disappointed with a low-quality instrument.

So what can I do at my age in this generation to earn $2,000 by the end of July? I know it's far fetched but I really want to be in Marching Band and I need to start saving up now.

I've only got about $80 towards that big 2k, and that's only a month worth of renting anyway.

My hopes are that with the 2k I can at least get a basic Baritone from Yamaha (still great condition, but of course they've got way better quality for higher), or if I raise enough I can work towards the Tuba.