> Where to invest $25000 "short" term?

Where to invest $25000 "short" term?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
If you put the money in a Roth or any other retirement plan you may have to pay a penalty to get it out early so be careful of doing that. If you may need the money in a few years, and can't afford to loose any due to a market downturn, stay out of stocks and bonds. As you probably know bank account are paying very little, I have some money in FNBO and get .85%, the best I can find from a bank account. You could buy a CD if you know when you will need the money but I'm not sure the interest rate is very good there.

You seem to be confused as how time and type investments

work. I would advise you seek the help of a Financial Planner.

Put it in a Savings Account if you might "need it in three or four years"...

Where did you GET $25,000 if that wasn't already obvious to you?

(It wouldn't matter if you DID "want to put it in your 401(k)", you couldn't do that anyway, that's not how it works....a 401(k) is funded with PRE-TAX dollars through your employer)

You should seek the advice of a competent adult...


25,000 is not a ton of money.

With banks paying nothing, these days, you

could do the following:

Look around for a high - yield, low investment

joint venture, like a PC Repair business, or a

Pizza restaurant, or. possibly a Fitness Center.


Examine their books with great care.

You could also buy into a Medical Practice.


short term???? u are going to get nothing for the investment -- CD's pay less than 1% -- suggest u consider US Treasuries...

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So I have some spare cash, about $25000. I am trying to decide where to invest the money so I can get some interest or return. I am not very clear how Roth IRAs work exactly and I'm not sure if that is the option for me. My concern is that I might need the money in 3-4 years if I decide to buy another house. That's why I don't want to put the funds into my 401K since I can't touch until I retire, and I'm still young. I'm fine with taking some risk/aggressive investment options. Any suggestions?
