> 2 questions about private investors?

2 questions about private investors?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
1, none , you;d need to be born rich to have enough money to just invest and live on it and nobody I know was born rich

2. the richest person I know personally has a net worth on the range of 3.9 million dollars but half of that is his homes value ( which has doubled since he bought it 15 years ago after they build a better road and more homes on the lake its located on )

There are lots of people out there who are living with the dividend income only. If you invest in quality dividend paying stocks for long-run, you can also live without having a full time job. I started a finance journey to live with my dividend income in 10 years. I'm writing my journey my personal blog at http://www.financejourney.com

So, If you ask this question in 10 years later, I will be an example for your question.

1) How many people do you know personally that do not have any other job besides investing their own money, people whose only income is investment income? (I'm only interested in your actual number, eg "0", "2" etc)

2) What are their net worths by your estimation?