> Cycle of Poverty?

Cycle of Poverty?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
A successful person doesn't make excuses and lay blame. They turn lemons into lemonade.

I would guess more than 70% of the 70% in poverty are barely literate. Your own lack of grammar skills and impossible sentence structure points to something other than a 3.8 GPA.

Umm, did you realize you posted in the Investing section? You might want to repost.

The reason people make bad decisions and bad choices is from lack of knowledge, or simply ignorance. Lack of education is a primary reason people remain in poverty, partly laziness. We wonder also why people live under a bridge. It's what they choose. They choose drinking and escape from responsibility, with lots of excuses. Wrong thinking mostly. Right thinking is essential to any form of success, which includes attitude.

One of the most important Samurai texts ever written, by Miyamoto Musashi, “The Book of the Five Rings (1643)”, offers this advice: “Think of what is right and true. Learn to see everything accurately. Become aware of what is not obvious. Be careful even in small matters. Do not do anything useless.”

There can be no great success in life without great commitment, hard work, discipline, and the realization of the “right” type of thinking.

Sorry but I have to cry TROLL! on this question. Beside your other "problems" you appear to have changed genders in the middle of your question. You were promised a career as a pro athlete, but then later in your question you became pregnant. Name me a woman's sport that: (a) pays "big money" for being a pro, AND (b) can result in multiple concussions. There isn't one. Not a single one. Also, your question is typical of the ones in Yahoo Politics planted by conservatives. Obviously, you know perfect spelling and grammar from almost all of your question, but then you throw in a few obvious misspellings to make it look good.

I suggest you list your question in politics. You will get many answers bashing liberals and criticizing "Obongo" and some liberals bashing the heartless conservatives, which I think is what you are looking for.

I see many short sighted decisions that have led you to these circumstances.

You may of trusted others and been disappointed, but you and only you are responsible for your own goals, motivations, tendencies, decisions and lifestyle. Even now, you have no plan other than to blame others.

And I question a 3.8 GPA, you say, with so many misspelled words and poor writing skill. I don't know if you are wrong or not, you never really formulated a question.

Maybe your question was why do people stay in poverty? They stay because of the choices and decisions they make.

It makes a big difference if you have had two parents who are supporting you. Someone who has a mom and dad who are providing for them is almost always going to live way better than someone who has only one parent.

People can stay in poverty if they do not have an education or valuable job skill. People can stay in poverty if they have more children than they will ever be able to support (on their own). People can stay in poverty if they become physically ill or disabled. People stay in poverty if they don't have any people in their lives who are helping them, lifting them up. People can stay in poverty if they have no one to trustworthy to guide them. No one becomes successful without help from other people. Anyone who claims they "pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps" and became a success without any help from anyone is a liar.

I know someone who played sports and was good at sports. He did not have any financial support from his father. He went to school for many years. He struggled very hard. He was able to get help from people who wanted to help kids like him. He was lucky that there were people who truly wanted to help kids like him. He got a lot of moral support from his mother and siblings. He was able to get an advanced degree and now lives well. People called him "trash" and tried to make him feel bad about himself because he was poor because he didn't have a father. Today, he is far more successful than the nasty people who called him names. No one is "trash" because they are born poor. People who call impoverished kids "trash" are the worst kind of "trash" themselves. A valuable, intelligent, worthwhile human being would never condemn a child for being born into poverty. You did not cause the poverty. Some people bitterly resent people who do not have any money to give THEM. Some people resent giving anything to help poor people feed their children, but they do not resent giving their money to people who are already very wealthy, much wealthier than they will ever be.

If you have had concussions, your health needs to be monitored regularly by a doctor. I am sorry your mom passed away and that your father apparently stole your money.

("No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt)

Poor and stupid just seem to go together.

Well, "knocked up" is a HUGE reason for staying in poverty. Buying a car when you cannot afford it is another. Then driving without a license or insurance so that you are fined and ticketed ....

{Living in a trailer is not what makes people "trash." It is how they conduct their lives, and how they take from the taxpayers when they should be self-sufficient.}

People in poverty do not learn the self-control, discipline, or knowledge to get out of poverty Plus it takes money to make money (but not necessarily a great quantity. One just has to sacrifice up front for awhile).

For example: many poor people do not get a bank account* so they pay fees to cash checks. They do not get a credit card and use it wisely, so they pay big bucks to borrow money ( through payday loans, or pawnshops). *instead, they might buy expensive jewelry that they can pawn when they need money.

Poor people do not know how to make wise choices when they shop. { i e they may not take advantage of sales and volume discounts - sometimes because of a lack of funds. ] Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, lottery tickets, and even soda pop are terrible choices that keep you in poverty. Poor people pay double to "rent-to own" rather than buying on credit from (say) Sears. They buy rims for their car instead of a washer and dryer - which would make life easier and less expensive than going to a laundromat.

Poor people often do not know how to fix things themselves, to save money (and put in the bank, and break the cycle of poverty .... )

Im just here to ask if I am wrong or not. 70 percent of people that are born in poverty stay in poverty.Why is this?. I hear bashing about the poor all the time on the news. How we are just trash using up all the hard earned tax dollars. Ive never really seen anyone explain why they stay in poverty so Im going to take a shot at this. I was birn poor and given no choice but to mix with middle class at school but go home to a trailer where my mom raised me. At school I was given hope by the false idea that I could be a pro athlete and make big bucks. So I strived til I had to many concussions and then my mom died. My dad thar had never been around before scoops me up to collect my social security from her death to put away for college. (Yay I have hope to go to college!) To find out yrs later at 18 and after managing a 3.8 gpa that my dad never really saved my social security for college but built himself a barn and bought a car instead. Thats when I realized you can trust not even your father and ran away with my boyfriend that I completely fell for because he felt like my only hope at 18. I had been working for two yrs to support my school and activities. Ive never been jobless or worthless. Then I got knocked up and munipulated and abused til I couldnt work anymore. I lived in a dangerous neighborhood and was robbed walking home from work til I had to move. I live with friends because I had to get away from abuse. Cant get an apartment or car without credit. Poverty blows