> He says he is a day trader..?

He says he is a day trader..?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
He probably didn't want to show you because you might see how big of a failure he is. Day trading is simply gambling and very few people make money doing it.

Watch any cable finance channel. People love to tell what stocks they own. There is absolutely no reason not to reveal his stocks. He sounds like a fraud.

Please help me out here. So i have this situation with an ex boyfriend who used to lie so much about EVERYTHING... i swore i would never give him another shot. but basically he is my best friend, and knows me better than anyone and i appreciate having him around. Only real problem are his lies. So he says now he is a day trader... and today when i was over there i asked to use his computer... and i said "hey is this what you use for your day trading?" It was the E-trade app on his desktop. he said yes. i said, can you show me how it works because i am interested in investing in some stock... he got super weird and said it was personal that he didn't want me to see his stocks... i understand that. but the fact he got very weird and wouldn't open it up and then brought up his iPad to pretend to show me and it said "create and account" at the top so he wasn't even signed in. i just can't handle anymore lies and need to know if this is odd behavior or if he legit probably just didn't want to show me his stocks. which i didn't care to see.. i really wanted to see how it worked but the fact how weird he got is a cause of concern. so please tell me... could someone really be a day trader simply with the e-trade account and would this be normal behavior or would you just show the person who wanted to see?