> How do I find a good fee for service financial planner?

How do I find a good fee for service financial planner?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Worley Erhart-Graves has a good reputation in Indianapolis.

My question is, do you know many fee per service planners get a commission from the mutual funds they put you in? You never see it but they do. Why in the world, with all of the financial information available today, would you trust anyone other than yourself to make those decisions? If pinching a penny until the Lincoln cries is that important to you, then get your money into Vanguard, and buy three or four index funds - a total US market fund, S&P 500 fund, an international fund, and a short term bond fund.

Unless you have been referred by another client, you'll need to spend some time and energy interviewing them. This will be the only way to see if they are going to give you the quality of answers that you are looking for. Commission is a bit fuzzy though. If you are choosing mutual funds with their help, then the funds are still collecting (and distributing) a fee. This is the commission, and it's going into someone's pocket.

In order to "trust" them, you'll need to understand more about the purchases you make. This way, you can compare what they are telling you to what you have read independently, in order to see how they are spinning it.

Just wondering how I go about finding a good fee for service. Meaning charges by the hour and not commission financial planner?

I live in a large city. (Indianapolis)

I don't want any that works on commission. I don't trust those.