You should avoid penny stocks until you have at least some grasp of stocks in general. You should be able to read financials and have some idea of what drives prices. Otherwise, you're just flushing money down the toilet.
First of all I don't think that you need 10,000 to start in the market. If you really want to look at penny stocks just go on Get a couple of company names and research them.
The main problem of almost every trader is the thoughts that trading is game or it's easy money. Before profitable trading you should learn a lot about this field. So, even don't try to trade with real money. You can learn how to make real money from this course ( ) Second, you should choose the right broker. There are some brokers that plays against their own clients. So, your main goal - find good broker. Third, yo can generate more profits with automated trading software. As you maybe know, there is a lot of different scammers on trading market so it will be hard to find really profitable trading system. That strategy brings me a lot of money every month, all thanks to the course that I posted above. Hope you will follow my recommendations, bye!
Day trader penny stock systems (Robotic Trading Systems) are the best way to trade in penny stock.Now a days traders are doing online stock trading this is the best and effective way of trading. trading systems are the one time investment which can give you life life earning. With the help of this system you can trade in any stock and increase your daily profit.
Did your "research for months" turn up the SEC warning link below? You need to read it and understand it before investing in anything.
"strikes my interest" is a really silly way to select an investment.
Penny stocks are a way for naive beginners to hand their money to SCAMMERS. If you think you will out-scam the scammers, you are wrong.
I hope you are smart enough to listen and learn about risks, but the attitude expressed in your question makes me think you are the type who will have to lose money to learn.
I'm extremely interested in trading penny stocks, because it strikes my interest. So, before anyone begins to say "Don't do it. Its not worth it. You need $10,000 to start. You need years of education" I am so dedicated and Ive been researching for months. And plus I've heard of kids making tons of money by doing crazier things, so don't tell me I need education or a ton of money. So, I have yet to find a site that shows or demonstrates how to watch a penny stock, what to look for, what to watch (The High or the low, etc.) Or how to setup a trade like where to buy in, how many shares, when to sell and many other things that are on the screen when setting up to buy the stocks. Is there a newsletter that sends me an email with what penny stock to watch or buy into? Is there a legitimate YouTuber that shows us how to do all these things? I need a website or a person to show me FROM THE BEGINNING how to day trade. Fundamentals and all. Please guys, any advice would be great. Also if there is anyone who would like to guide me or mentor me and maybe we can become successful together, please email me!
Thanks guys!