> Quick! Can someone give me a buying stock crash course?

Quick! Can someone give me a buying stock crash course?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 

I've been trading the market for just a few months. My cousin actually told me about this website (http://pennystocks.toptips.org)and I signed up immediately after. This is my honest review about their method. I'm not someone who has a lot of time to be researching for ideas because I work many hours. they made it incredibly easy for me to make money in the market. Their reports are easy to read and follow. I've tracked most of the stock ideas that I've received in my e-mail from them and MANY have seen some nice gains after their announcements. I've made a nice profit (55% return on my investment on one, and 112% on the other!) on a couple of suggestions he's given and plan to start trading his ideas a lot more.

For more info: http://pennystocks.toptips.org

Cheers ;)

so you can only buy 18 shares of this stock at $11 per stock. this will cost you $198.

read the fine print first to see how much , if any, brokerage fees are. this will affect how much you have left to invest.

you buy once. you don't have to invest any more money after you've bought what you wanted to buy. only if you want to buy more, do you spend again.

keep an eye on your stock. it will rise and fall.

Open a scottrade account. Use referral code: AFZJ1217 for 3 free trades ($21 value)

Quick - most reputable firms require a minimum of $500 to open an account.

Most stock execution take a few seconds to execute

Purchases must be made in full, you have 3 business days to deposit the full amount of your purchase. However most firms will require new accounts to pay in full before they can purchase any thing

Based on the wording of you question, not only are you not ready to invest, you do not have enough capital to make any investment

get a library card and use it b4 u lose your money.

invest the 200 in your actual education for 1000 times

better return.

Yeah let me explain 3 or 4 courses here in 2 sentences for you.

Try to do a search on Google, maybe that will work out

I want to invest in something but I only have like $200. The companys stock is not worth much right now but I know that by tomorrow or the next week, the stock will go up. And I know nothing about the stock market. Hurry! Someone help!

How soon will it be before I can buy stock if I go with Scottrade? Do I pay a one time fee? Lets say the stock is $11. What will i pay? per month? per day? per year? HELP!

Dont tell me I shouldnt do it because its risky because even rich people lose money and go broke. Im already broke so i cant go broker...