> Stock investing to stock trading?

Stock investing to stock trading?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Realize that everyone wants to make money quickly, so "trading" is not necessarily a fail-sage method to make money quicker than "investing."

People perform different strategies because each believes theirs is the best.

Day trading relies more on profiting from small fluctuations in stock prices, while investing involves putting your money in an undervalued company that you believe will significantly grow in the long-term.

Day trading usually requires larger trades since you are frequently trading small gains, the brokerage's commission will eat up a larger percent of your profit. However it's my personal belief that, when done correctly, day trading is superior to long-term investing due to the nature of compounding gains.

Whichever method you decide is best for your situation, I urge you to only put your money in strong, undervalued companies. Do not get caught up in the rampant speculation (gambling) that occurs in the market. That's how people lose all their money.

Binary trading is notoriously risky but if you follow a special method I've learned you can earn good money at almost no risk. This is the site I use: ( http://forexsignal.kyma.info ) I definitely recommend subscribing to this site in particular. I was a bit weary of binary trading from all the bad hype they receive but this site is pretty legit. This course explain everything you need to start a very profitable trading activity. Remember never invest 100% of your capital into any one security and never have 100% of your capital invested and a good understanding of the rules

Only partially. Stock trading requires a whole different system, as you need to figure out how to predict short-term highs and lows.

If you're looking to trade stocks, you will need to spend anywhere from months to years just analyzing the stock market, and looking into chart patterns.

The key is: Don't trade until you have at least a 90% probability of success, and a backup plan in case you fail from that 10%. Practice trading on fake portfolio accounts or simulators before delving into it.

You can make too much money with Binary Options and you have to ways for that: learning to do very well or as you can see clicking the link below: ( http://forexsignal.kyma.info ) The most important thing is that if you have the right programs and you study the right stuff you WILL success in this buisness! This course explain everything you need to start a very profitable trading activity.

practice makes perfect. spend a day or two doing trades on paper, not for real, and see how you do. this can be very nerve racking, and there are many factors which affect the market which you cannot predict or control. good luck.

yes you can

I've being doing a lot of research on shares. I was researching on investing, until I just realised that I should be researching on trading as I want to make money quickly. I was wondering if I can use the same research acquired from investing to go into stock trading.