> What are some good brokerages?

What are some good brokerages?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
I use TD Trade. I'm just starting out with low money. Got to say TD is probably the best but the $$20.00 trades are killing me.

There are cheaper ones than TD Trade for sure. First Google discount brokers but two I use are www.firstrade.com and www.sharebuilder.com. For real time market or limit orders they both are $6.95 and on Sharebuilder the automatic investments that they do on Tuesday morning is only $4.

I would avoid Merrill Lynch. Money belonging to my 90 year old Mom, invested to help pay for her care, was invested in junk stocks via my broker resulting in a loss of thousands of dollars. Etoys was one of the investments, which carried "M-L's highest grade for investment", according to my broker. Price, about $70 before they went bankrupt. The same for a drug store chain, and a manufacturer. Both recommended by the broker, both bankrupt. This is spite of the fact that i made it clear that this money had to grow to meet expenses, but invested with a conservative hand. So-they dumped the crap on the small investor, while giving the good stuff to the High Rollers. I switched to Schwab, and am satisfied.

Online stock brokers are known for their award winning customer service while others are known for inexpensive stock trades or powerful trading tools.

1.TD Ameritrade

2.E trade




I have used Scottrade for several years and I'm very satisfied with the service and $7.00 per trade.

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I use TD Trade. I'm just starting out with low money. Got to say TD is probably the best but the $$20.00 trades are killing me.