> Hi, im migrating to Canada and all I have is 200,000$ which im gonna invest in a business! Which city shall I invest in?

Hi, im migrating to Canada and all I have is 200,000$ which im gonna invest in a business! Which city shall I invest in?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Also, I need to buy a 2 bedroom (flat, condo, house, townhouse, etc) for my wife and children. Out of Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Calgary which one would be the best for me ?

Canada has strict rules for immigration. In order to apply for permanent residency you must meet specific requirements -- such as: marrying a Canadian willing to sponsor you; having a skilled job offer in specific professions (doctor, engineer, nurse, specialized trades, etc.) and then competing based on education, work experience, language skills, age, etc.; have millions of dollars to invest in Canada; being nominated by one of the provinces (doctor willing to work in a remote community, buying and running a farm in certain provinces, world-class performing artist, etc.). Most categories are competitions, with only a limited number of The process can take three or more years in most categories.

In order to apply for a start-up visa, you must have a business plan received by a designated organization, have the appropriate experience, business degrees, proof you have run a business outside of Canada, etc. and then Canada selected the best applicants from everyone who submitted a plan, based on viability and the impact to the Canadian economy (i.e. the number of Canadians employed). There is no business in Canada which anyone can buy for $200,000 which is going to qualify. Most business plans would require millions of dollars and need to high at least five Canadians for a five year period. A corner store in Vancouver would cost millions of dollars. Even a food truck business in a major city would cost a million.

You can't buy a house in Canada for $200,000. A cheap house in Vancouver is nearly a million dollars. $700,000 for Toronto, Montreal, or Calgary.

Also, I need to buy a 2 bedroom (flat, condo, house, townhouse, etc) for my wife and children. Out of Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Calgary which one would be the best for me ?